Brief on Alchemy India Long Term Fund (AILTF)
Alchemy India Long Term Fund (AILTF) is one of the Schemes of Alchemy Alternative Investment Trust, registered with International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) as Alternative Investment Fund, vide registration number IFSC/AIF2/2022-23/0039/01. Alchemy Investment Management LLP is the Investment Manager to AILTF. Originally incorporated in Jun 2008 in Mauritius (managed by Alchemy Investment Management Pte Ltd, Singapore) and in April 2023 was migrated (along with investments and investors) to Gift City in India (managed by Alchemy Investment Management LLP). The Fund is US dollar denominated offering to global investors including Non-resident Indian (NRIs) and Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) certificate holders, who is looking for an actively managed exposure to Indian equity market.
Who can invest in AILTF?
All global investors including Non-resident Indian (NRIs), OCI certificate holders, US taxable and tax-exempt investors, Foreign registered entities like company, LLC, LLP, trust, family offices etc who are looking for an actively managed exposure to Indian equity market, can invest in AILTF subject to they being eligible investors under the applicable regulation.
Who is the investment manager of Alchemy India Long Term Fund (AILTF)?
Alchemy Investment Management LLP (Alchemy GIFT) is the investment Manager of AILTF. Alchemy Capital Management Pvt. the majority partner in Alchemy GIFT holding 99.98% of partnership interest.
What is the tenure of the Alchemy India Long Term Fund?
Alchemy India Long Term Fund is an open-ended scheme and shall continue in operation till it is wound up by the Investment Manager at its discretion.
Can resident Indian investor invest in the AILTF?
No, resident Indians are not allowed to invest in the AILTF.
Can NRI invest through his NRE account maintained in India?
Yes, it is allowed however the investor has to convert its Indian currency (INR) into USD before remitting from NRE account to Alchemy India Long Term Fund's bank account.
From which jurisdiction Investors are allowed?
Subject to applicable laws, eligible Investors are generally allowed from all jurisdictions.
What is the denomination of the AILTF?
AILTF is USD denominated.
Can an investor remit fund other than USD?
No, investor subscribing in the AILTF must remit only in USD.
Who are the service providers of the Fund?
The list of key service providers are given below:
Trustee: Amicorp Trustees (India) Pvt Ltd
Custodian: Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd
Administrator: Ascent Fund Services (India) Pvt Ltd
Auditor: E&Y India
Tax Advisor: Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP
Legal Advisor: India : Khaitan & Co | US: Seward and Kissel LLP.
For complete details, please read the Private Placement Memorandum of the Fund